Benny Lewis Shannon Kennedy

Here’s what you get when you join the Fluent in 3 Months Bootcamp

  • Have a 15-minute conversation in a new language after just 90 days of learning.
  • Weekly group coaching calls with expert language hackers including Benny Lewis and Shannon Kennedy.
  • 1-to-1 direct messaging guidance and support from our team of coaches.
  • Easy to follow language missions that get results and take you step-by-step towards your goal of speaking your new language in confident conversations.
  • Proven strategies to build your own learning path that works best for your learning style, personality and lifestyle.
  • Data-driven learning methods - we've helped thousands of students reach their language goals, and we’ve taken what’s most effective to put together a custom coaching experience.
  • Accelerate your language learning with our combination of coaching, action-steps, real community and personal reflection.
  • Track your results. You'll be able to see your language learning progress in real time, so you can look at how far you've come.

A key part of Bootcamp is that we support you in finding the time and passion to put the work into learning a new language. To complete this 90-day program, your commitment will be 45 minutes per day.

This unique system for speaking a new language is so powerful that we guarantee it will work for you — or we'll give you your money back.

This system works even if you:

  • Have "no time" to learn a language
  • Feel nervous about having real conversations with native speakers
  • Have tried and failed before to speak a new language
  • Struggle to stay motivated to learn
  • Have "no talent" for languages
  • Are a total beginner, a "false beginner" or an intermediate learner
  • Want to learn for a specific reason. For a trip, for your loved one, for work.
  • Want to learn Spanish, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese… or any other language

Following my system, you'll learn any language to conversational level in 90 days.

Tina Crouch headshot

“[When I started] I could fit probably everything I knew into less than 30 seconds. And at the end of the 90 days, I went past my 15-minute goal. I had a 30 minute conversation after 90 days!

Tina Crouch, Fi3M student

Join the Fluent in 3 Months Bootcamp Waiting List and find out when the next Bootcamp starts:

Here’s what my students are saying:

Eamon Gilligan headshot

“I truly believe it is one of the best methods by which to go about learning a second language, third language, fourth language even. It’s fantastic.”

Eamon Gilligan, Fi3M student

Danni Fowler headshot

“I had never had a conversation in Spanish before this challenge as I never thought I was ready. Doing this challenge and having the support & encouragement of everyone pushed me to do the thing I was too scared to do, talk!”

Danni Fowler, Fi3M student

Brandon Santos headshot

"I wanted to talk to people in a different language, and that's definitely what this challenge will get you to do."

Brandon Santos, Fi3M student

Rechanne headshot

The [program] helped me see that anything can become possible. I took another leap of faith and signed up to travel abroad next summer. So big thanks to the [program] and all the participants. You all helped me see that I can do it.”

Rechanne, Fi3M student

Connor headshot

“I've improved an incredible amount over the last 90 days. I've come even further than I thought I would."

Connor, Fi3M student

Margie headshot

“What’s possible for me [now]? I plan to have deeper and deeper conversations with native speakers when I travel."

Margie G., Fi3M student

Aaron headshot

“I've been getting so many compliments on my Chinese..everyone is so surprised when I tell them a few months ago I only knew 'hello'"

Aaron Venema, Fi3M student

Heather headshot

“I learned that it IS possible to be able to actually speak another language without years of study.

Heather S., Fi3M student

Stacy headshot

“I know I never would have accomplished what I did these past 90 days without this formidable combination.”

Stacy, Fi3M student

Fluent in 3 Months Bootcamp is currently CLOSED.

Join the Waiting List and find out when the next Bootcamp starts:

Refund policy: If a purchase was made in error, simply reply to any of our emails to let us know you'd like a refund within one week of purchase.

Delivery policy: Upon payment, you'll have access to a digital database of tools, to a community that includes coaches, and other entirely digital product accesses. As such, no return is necessary.

Cancellation policy: After the first week, refunds are only offered to those it was seen have participated in Bootcamp throughout the 3 months, by checking in and participating in calls and attempting the tasks assigned to the best of your ability. If you feel at the end of the 3 months that you did not find it helpful, simply reply to any of our emails to request a refund.