Category: Premium Links

Frequently asked questions for an experienced language learner

written by Benny Lewis

Last week I shared some FAQs for a long-term traveller, and taking a bunch of questions that readers have been sending me on Facebook, twitter and the LHL email list, now I’ll discuss some language learning issues that people have been wondering about. Note that I discuss FAQs about the website and my missions separately […]


Reading time: 9 minutes

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Frequently asked questions for a long term traveller

written by Benny Lewis

The post I wrote over the summer about the 29 life lessons learned in 8 years travelling, stirred up a lot of interest (it’s been read by almost a half a million individuals) but it led to a lot of questions. Some I have hinted to in various blog posts, but I’m going to try […]


Reading time: 10 minutes

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Battle of wits: Nice and nasty ways to win when they want English practice

written by Benny Lewis

Nearly everywhere in the world, and with nearly every culture in the world, when you try to speak their language with them they are so pleased. They will encourage you and compliment you, and be happy to hear more. Your fears are unfounded and you should just make as many mistakes as you can – […]

How to travel the world on the cheap

How to travel the world on the cheap

written by Benny Lewis

Today I’ve written a guest post on Get Rich Slowly about How to learn a foreign language without spending a cent. Check it out for a list of my favourite free resources as well as a generally great website that J.D. Roth runs for saving money and spending it wisely. That post is necessary to remind […]


Reading time: 7 minutes

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The ONLY way to speak a language

written by Benny Lewis

There are thousands of ways to learn a language; Pimsleur, LingQ, Rosetta Stone, lots of studying, silently absorbing (click the links to see why I don’t fully recommend learning these ways). There is also SRS, image association, singing along to your favourite songs, and lots of other things that I do recommend. You can argue […]


Reading time: 2 minutes

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29 life lessons learned in travelling the world

29 life lessons learned in travelling the world

written by Benny Lewis

This blog post was written on my 8 year travel anniversary in 2011. In 2013 I celebrated my TEN year travel anniversary with a much more visual representation of the top ten lessons learned in travelling the world, including the absolute best footage from my travels, and you can hear me speak out the lessons […]


Reading time: 19 minutes

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