Language: Chinese

The simple guide to adding captions/subtitles to Youtube videos: My 2.5 month Mandarin video

written by Benny Lewis

First thing’s first: This video is my 2.5 month point in Mandarin! Subtitles included in Simplified and Traditional Chinese, as well as English. [Youku version  here] I met up with fellow Youtube polyglot Mike, a.k.a. Glossika and he agreed to bounce some questions off me to demonstrate my progress since the last video. Check out […]

The underestimated usefulness of pre-fluency (My 2 month Mandarin video)

written by Benny Lewis

[Captions in traditional and simplified Chinese, as well as in English. Youku link for those in mainland China] Keeping up with the video-every-two-weeks plan, here is my two month point! After a bumpy start, where I hesitate a bit because of being quite aware of the camera, once I got used to it, you can […]

Are you problem minded or solution minded? My 1.5 month level of Chinese [video]

written by Benny Lewis

Since we are at exactly the half-way point of my three month mission to speak fluent Chinese, it’s time for another video update! This time, it is 100% unprepared, unscripted, and unrehearsed 😉 Check it out: [Subtitles in traditional & simplified Chinese, as well as in English; enable Youtube’s closed captioning to see – mistakes […]

Benny's 1 month level of Mandarin: Lantern festival interviews!

Benny’s 1 month level of Mandarin: Lantern festival interviews!

written by Benny Lewis

[Make sure to enable captions in either English or original traditional Chinese. If Youtube is blocked for you, you can watch the video on Youku] Here it is! My one month point in my 3-month Mandarin mission, shared on video! The first few seconds are me reading a prepared text off camera to practice speaking […]

Progress report: Thoughts on one month of learning Mandarin & some FAQs

written by Benny Lewis

It’s been one month (and a couple of days) since I got into Taipei with the objective to speak fluent Mandarin in 3 months. So it’s about time I gave you a status report on my progress, before I share my next Mandarin video with you on Friday tomorrow! (This photo is a teaser for […]

Benny’s first video attempt in Mandarin: 2 weeks after starting

written by Benny Lewis

[Captions in English, Traditional Chinese (native written) & Simplified Chinese (automatic conversion). If you live in China and Youtube is blocked, then check out this video on Youku] As I’ve explained in great detail before, uploading a video of yourself speaking just after you’ve started to learn a language can be very beneficial. So with […]

My First Week Speaking, Reading and Writing Chinese

My First Week Speaking, Reading and Writing Chinese

written by Benny Lewis

It’s the end of week 1 of what has definitely been the mission that has stirred up the most interest and discussion since I started the blog! I can confirm that after this initial exposure to the language, I have not quite been “humbled” into saying what I’m attempting is impossible just yet, despite what […]

My study material

Language Mission: Mandarin in 3 months!

written by Benny Lewis

Note: This mission has ended – I reached a lower intermediate level of Mandarin after 3 months and used it to successfully travel China and interview people! This video shows the level I had just before leaving Asia. As explained in the video, I was in Taipei, Taiwan, and this was day one of my […]