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Why my destiny was to never speak Spanish and how I did it anyway

Why my destiny was to never speak Spanish and how I did it anyway

written by Benny Lewis

It’s easy to look at someone who already speaks a second language and just think that it comes naturally to them. Perhaps if you see something like the video of me sharing my salsa learning experience in pretty good Spanish, you might think that speaking Spanish was just my destiny. I’m “naturally talented” with languages […]


Reading time: 10 minutes

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Why your smartphone will NEVER be a universal translator

written by Benny Lewis

Anyone who follows sci-fi will have come across the “universal translator“. To get around use of other languages on the shows that aliens would undoubtedly speak, (other than when part of a plot device, like Klingon or Na’vi), a computer does all the work of understanding other languages so the human explorers don’t have to. […]


Reading time: 10 minutes

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