Category: Culture

Yes and No in Greek: Essential Greek Vocabulary

written by Yaren Fadiloglulari

Learn how to say “yes” and “no” in Greek, plus related phrases like “of course” and “no way.” This article has you covered for everyday conversations and polite interactions.

Cool Greek Names and Their Meanings

written by Yaren Fadiloglulari

Discover over 30 cool Greek names with rich history and flair! In this article, we’ll cover common names, as well as mythological and historical names.

How to Say “Good Luck” in Spanish

written by Kelsey Lechner

In Spanish, there’s a phrase that translates directly into “good luck.” That’s *Buena suerte*, with *buena* meaning “good,” and *suerte* signifying “luck” or “fortune.”

How to Say “Good Afternoon” in French

written by Yaren Fadiloglulari

“Good afternoon” in French is bon après-midi, but that’s not always the best phrase to use. In this article, we outlined the most suitable ways to say “good afternoon.”

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