Category: Culture

Why ESL teachers are the best teachers and the best learners

written by Benny Lewis

I’ve had many jobs in the last many years on the road but the one that I could always rely on was ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher. I worked in Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Brazil, and Ireland as an English teacher for non-natives and found it to be very satisfying work. However, what I […]


Reading time: 6 minutes

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Are German's Rude? Killing the Stereotypes

Are Germans Rude? Killing the Stereotypes

written by Benny Lewis

Rather than learning languages for academic or professional reasons, I do it to vastly improve my travel experience by allowing me to socialise almost entirely with residents of the country I am visiting. Even though all the studying I did in for my exam in Berlin prevented me from socialising as much as I would […]


Reading time: 11 minutes

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First month in Berlin & 8 language 6 dialect tour of my flat

First month in Berlin & 8 language 6 dialect tour of my flat

written by Benny Lewis

It’s been a month since I arrived in Berlin, so it’s about time for a mission update! To make it more interesting, I’ve decided to include this multilingual video tour of my flat. I also made (just English) videos to show my home in Prague and Rio, since I host Couchsurfers most of the time […]


Reading time: 6 minutes

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Are you close-minded? How I finally learned how to get along with Parisians

written by Benny Lewis

If you ask someone the question “Are you close-minded?” the answer will almost certainly be a no. I don’t think anyone in the world sees themselves as closed minded. They are always sceptical or simply convinced that the other guy is wrong. The description closed minded is one we tend to reserve for someone else. […]


Reading time: 10 minutes

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My Thailand experience

written by Benny Lewis

Travel update – no language tips in this (long) post My experience in Thailand has ended and I’m already back in Europe (in Paris for the weekend, Ireland for the next 3 weeks and then starting the next 3-month mission). I’ve learned quite a lot in terms of general life lessons, as well as for […]

Is it better to travel to villages for language/cultural immersion?

written by Benny Lewis

When considering where to move to in a country, there seems to be this general consensus that you’ll have a greater feeling of immersion, both cultural and linguistic, if you choose a small town / village over a major city. I disagree. If you happen to like villages for their serenity, pace of life etc., […]


Reading time: 9 minutes

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Ironic post: Why English is all you need to travel the world

written by Benny Lewis

Over the last month, I’ve changed my ways of trying to communicate in the local language, and I’ve been living the life of a typical English-speaking tourist. This is the first time in a long time that I’ve tried this, as I almost always work on linguistic immersion as a means of getting to know […]

First impressions of Thailand

written by Benny Lewis

Travel update: no language tips in this (long) post! After travelling for about 7 years already, I thought I was immune to surprises, shocks and general wide-eyed awe. And then I came to Thailand! There’s nothing I can say about Thailand that hasn’t already been blogged, Lonely Planeted, Documentary Channelled, photographed or twittered a million […]